again, i know i'm supposed to be talking about bomb threats, but someone we all know and love has been arrested, people, and we must discuss.
the smoking gun reports that vince shlomi (yes, that's really his last name) has been arrested for assaulting a prostitute. now, you may not know why you love vince, so i'll tell you . do the words sham and wow mean anything to you? yep, this is the guy that sells sham wow on tv. amaaaaaazing, right? right.
shlomi paid the prostitute $1,000 for "straight sex"--that's 50 terrific sham wow's. i wonder if he used a little sham wow action to clean up the soaks up anything, you know?
this is your opportunity to make fun of the following:
- shlomi as a last name (so many ways to go with this)
- sham wow
- prostitution
- a fabulous combo of all of the above